Identification of Discrete Choice Demand From Market Level Data
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Steven T. Berry
Yale University
A Political Economy Theory of Partial Decentralization
-Political Economy Workshop
John Hatfield
Granger Causality Tests with Mixed Data Frequencies
-Econometrics Seminar
Eric Ghysels
University of North Carolina
A Theory of Housing Prices and the Homeownership Rate: Evidence from the Housing Markets in Japan and the U.S.
-Money Macro Seminar
Kei Muraki
University of Pennsylvania
Analyzing the Case for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
-Political Economy Workshop
Marina Azzimonti
University of Texas
Political Mergers as Coalition Formation: Evidence from Japanese Municipal Amalgamations
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Eric Weese
Political Mergers as Coalition Formation: Evidence from Japanese Municipal Amalgamations
Empirical Micro Seminar
Eric Weese
Firm Size, Innovation Dynamics and Growth
-Money Macro Seminar
Ufuk Akcigit
Relational Contracts and the Value of Relationships
-Economic Theory Workshop (2005-2010)
Marina Halac
University of California
Market Structure and Product Quality in the US Daily Newspaper Market
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Ying Fan
Yale University