People- or Place-Based Policies to Tackle Disadvantage? Evidence from Matched Family-School-Neighborhood Data
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Lucienne Disch
University of Pennsylvania, Job Market Candidate
Effects of Political Affiliation and Sectoral Market Share on Firm Investment Behavior: Evidence from an Election Upheaval in Turkey
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Ozgur Seker
University of Pennsylvania, Job Market Candidate
Language, Learning, and Bullying: School Choice in Multilingual Contexts
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Ornella Darova
University of Pennsylvania, Job Market Candidate
Public vs. Private: School Quality and Competition in Mexico
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Kristen Beamer Shure
University of Pennsylvania, Job Market Candidate
Investments and Inequities in Pre-College Human Capital: The Case of the Advanced Placement Program
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Cung Truong Hoang
University of Pennsylvania, Job Market Candidate
Asymmetric Shocks and Heterogeneous Worker Mobility in a Monetary Union
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Joseph-Simon Goerlach
Bocconi University
Voting as Differentiated Products: Estimates from Multi-level Data
-Industrial Organization Seminar, Empirical Micro Seminar
Steven Berry
Yale University, Department of Economics
Health Beliefs and the Long Run Effects of Medical Information
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Jerome Adda
Bocconi University
Cultural Change through Writing Style: Gendered Pronoun Use in the Economics Profession
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Camilo Garcia-Jimeno
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and UCL
Labor Market Power and Factor-Biased Technology Adoption
-Empirical Micro Seminar, Industrial Organization Seminar
Michael Rubens
University of California, Los Angeles