Incentive Compatibility of Large Centralized Matching Markets
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
SangMok Lee
Using Invalid Instruments on Purpose: Focused Moment Selection and Averaging for GMM
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Francis DiTraglia
University of Cambridge
Detecting Bidders Groups in Collusive Auctions
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Francesco Decarolis
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Welfare Effects of Intertemporal Price Discrimination: An Empirical Analysis of Airline Pricing in U.S. Monopoly Markets
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
John Lazarev
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Aggregate productivity and the allocation of resources over the business cycle
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Sophie Osotimehin
Paris School of Economics
Multi-Agent Search with Deadline
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Yuichiro Kamada
Harvard University
Identification and Estimation of Nonparametric Panel Data Regressions with Measurement Error
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Daniel Wilhelm
University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Private Information and Insurance Rejections
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Nathaniel Hendren
Survival and long-run dynamics with heterogeneous beliefs under recursive preferences
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Jaroslav Borovicka
University of Chicago
A Folk Theorem with Virtually Enforceable Actions
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Anqi Li
Stanford University