Efficiency Gains from Removing Entry and Price Controls: Evidence from a Change in Regulation
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Maria Ana Vitorino
Social Image in Choice — Pride, Shame, Temptation, and Social Pressure
-Micro Theory Seminar
Kota Saito
Bayesian Covariance Regression and Autoregression
-Econometrics Seminar
Emily Fox
Penn Statistics
Two Papers: Sharing the Future + Financial Innovations and Political Development
-Political Economy Workshop
Saumitra Jha
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Decision Theory@Penn
-PIER Conference
Inference of Bidders' Risk Attitudes in Ascending Auctions with Endogenous Entry
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Xun Tang
University of Pennsylvania
Subgame Perfect Implementation Under Approximate Common Knowledge: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment
-PIER Lecture
Philippe Aghion
Harvard University
Information in Tender Offers with a Large Shareholder
-Micro Theory Seminar
Nenad Kos
Bocconi University
Generalized Jackknife Estimators of Weighted Average Derivatives
-Econometrics Seminar
Michael Jansson
University of California, Berkeley
Crossing Party Lines: The Effects of Information on Redistributive Politics
-Political Economy Workshop
Katherine Casey
Stanford Graduate School of Business