Inference in Nonparametrics IV with Partial Identification
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Andres Santos
Endogenous Information, Menu Costs and Inflation Persistence
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Yuriy Gorodnichenko
Understanding Jobless Recoveries - A Tale of Two Margins
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Ruediger Bachman
Mechanism Design with Endogenous Information Acquistion, Status, and Participation
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Xianwen Shi
Information Acquisition and Reputation Dynamics
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Qingmin Liu
Extending the Frontier: A Structural Model of Investment and Technological Competition in the Supercomputer Industry
-Junior Recruiting Seminar
Joao Macieira
Family Migration and Labor Market Outcomes
-Shadow Workshop
Ahu Gemici
University of Pennsylvania
A Search Theory of the Labor Share and its Cyclical Behavior
-Shadow Workshop
Se Kyu Choi
University of Pennsylvania
Labor Market Rigidities and the Employment Behavior of Older Workers
-Empirical Micro Seminar
David Blau
University of North Carolina
Bank Moral Hazard in the Diamond-Dybig Model of Banking
-Applied Micro Theory Workshop (2006-2010)
Ed Nosal
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland