Directed Search in the Housing Market
-Money Macro Seminar
Pieter Gautier
VU University Amsterdam (paper joint with James Albrecht and Susan Vroman)
Customer Capital
-Money Macro Seminar
Leena Rudanko
Boston University (paper joint with Francois Gourio)
Railroads of the Raj: Estimating the Impact of Transportation Infrastructure
-Money Macro Seminar
Dave Donaldson
Two Perspectives on Preferences and Structural Transformation
-Money Macro Seminar
Richard Rogerson
Arizona State University
Reference Prices and Nominal Rigidities
-Money Macro Seminar
Nir Jaimovich
Stanford University (co-authored with Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo)
State-Dependent Intellectual Property Rights Policy
-Money Macro Seminar
Ufuk Akcigit
University of Pennsylvania
The Dynamics of Reforms
-Money Macro Seminar
Yongseok Shin
Washington University at St. Louis (Co-authored with Francisco J. Buera)
The Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Individual Labor Supply over the Life Cycle: Facts and Theory
-Money Macro Seminar
Gueorgui Kambourov
University of Toronto (co-authored with Andres Erosa and Luisa Fuster)
A Likelihood Analysis of Models with Information Frictions
-Money Macro Seminar
Leonardo Melosi
Grad Student - University of Pennsylvania
Efficient Auditing and Enforcement in Dynamic Contracts
-Money Macro Seminar
Jonathan Pogach
Grad Student - University of Pennsylvania