What causes the gender gap reversal of educational attainment?
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Lingwen Huang
Penn Graduate Student
Dormant Shocks and Fiscal Virtue
-Money Macro Seminar
Francesco Bianchi
Duke University (Visiting Penn)
Optimal Stopping with Private Information
-Micro Theory Seminar
Philipp Strack
Microsoft Research New England
Methods for Markov-switching Models
-Econometrics Seminar
Francesco Bianchi
Duke University (Visiting Penn)
Did New Macroeconomic Factors Emerge During the Great Recession? Evidence from Shrinkage Estimation of Dynamic Factor Models
-Econometrics Seminar
Frank Schorfheide
University of Pennsylvania
Abortion, Contraception, and the Career Paths of Young Women
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Diego Amador
Penn Graduate Student
On the Social Usefulness of Fractional Reserve Banking
-Money Macro Seminar
Christopher Phelan
University of Minnesota
Trust in Cohesive Communities
-Micro Theory Seminar
Juan Escobar
University of Chile
Random Coefficients in Static Games of Complete Information
-Econometrics Seminar
Stefan Hoderlein
Boston College
Bond and Equity Exposures to Macroeconomic and Monetary Policy Risks
-Econometrics Seminar
Dongho Song
Penn Graduate Student