The Impact of Student Debt on the Education, Career, and Marriage Choices of Female Lawyers
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Yu Wang
Penn Graduate Student
Marginal Tax Rates and Income: New Time Series Evidence
-Money Macro Seminar
Karel Mertens
Cornell University
Optimal Dynamic Matching
-Micro Theory Seminar
SangMok Lee
University of Pennsylvania
Entering into the Similarity Network: Imitation vs. Innovation in the Motion Picture Industry
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Yanhao Wei
Penn Graduate Student
1st PIER Workshop on Quantitative Tools for Macroeconomic Policy Analysis
-Special Event
Sorting Multidimensional Types: Theory and Application
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Ilse Lindenlaub
Monetary Exchange in Over-the-Counter Markets: A Theory of Speculative Bubbles, the Fed Model, and Self-fulfilling Liquidity Crises
-Money Macro Seminar
Ricardo Lagos
Job Search and Migration in a System of Cities
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Modibo Sidibe
Duke University
Economic Development and the Organization of Production
-Money Macro Seminar
Nicolas Roys
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Sequential Equilibrium Distributions in Multi-Stage Games with Infinite Sets of Types and Actions
-Micro Theory Seminar
Philip Reny
University of Chicago