Entry Deterrence and Learning Prevention on eBay
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Denis Nekipelov
Duke University
Superstores or Mom and Pops? Market Size, Technology Adoption and TFP Differences
-Money Macro Seminar
David Lagakos
Axiomatic Foundations of Multiplier Preferences
-Economic Theory Workshop (2005-2010)
Tomasz Stralecki
Northwestern University
Bounds on the Counterfactual Distribution of Revenues in Auctions with Reserve Prices
-Econometrics Seminar
Xun Tang
Northwestern University
Non-homotheticity and Bilateral Trade: Evidence and a Quantitative Explanation
-International Economics Workshop
Ana Cecılia Fieler
New York Univeristy
Payday Loans, Uncertainty, and Discounting: Explaining Patterns of Borrowing, Repayment, and Default
-Applied Micro Theory Workshop (2006-2010)
Jeremy Tobacman
Harvard University
Learning Your Comparative Advantages
-Money Macro Seminar
Theodore Papageorgiou
Yale University
-Money Macro Seminar
Lawrence Christiano
Northwestern University
The Value of Switching Costs
-Applied Micro Theory Workshop (2006-2010)
Jacques Cremer
University of Toulouse I
Unawareness and Zero Probability
-Economic Theory Workshop (2005-2010)
Jing Li
University of Pennsylvania