Adverse Selection and Information Trap in Over-the-counter Markets
-Money Macro Seminar
Junyuan Zou
University of Pennsylvania
The Role of Changing Marital Transitions for Housing Decisions
-Money Macro Seminar
Minsu Chang
University of Pennsylvania
Global Financial Crises: Facts and Theory
-Money Macro Seminar, PIER Cohen Distinguished Lecture
Guillermo Calvo
Columbia University
The Pass-through of Sovereign Risk and The Role of Firm Heterogeneity
-Money Macro Seminar
Eugenio Rojas
University of Pennsylvania
Religion and the Rise and Fall of Islamic Science
-Money Macro Seminar
Eric Chaney
Individual and Aggregate Labor Supply in Heterogeneous Agent Economies with Intensive and Extensive Margins
-Money Macro Seminar, Special Event
Richard Rogerson
Princeton University
Spatial Wage Gaps and Workers' Regional Identity: Evidence from the Enduring Divide between East and West Germany
-Money Macro Seminar
Tommaso Porzio
Endogenously Incomplete Markets and Exclusion
-Money Macro Seminar
Rishabh Kirpalani
Pennsylvania State University
Self-Fulfilling Debt Dilution: Maturity and Multiplicity in Debt Models
-Money Macro Seminar
Mark Aguiar
Princeton University
On Money as a Medium of Exchange in Near-Cashless Credit Economies
-Money Macro Seminar
Ricardo Lagos