Reviews and Ratings: Information Loss and Coarsenings
-Micro Theory Lunch
Matthew Murphy
University of Pennsylvania
People- or Place-Based Policies to Tackle Disadvantage? Evidence from Matched Family-School-Neighborhood Data
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Lucienne Disch
University of Pennsylvania, Job Market Candidate
Self-employment as Self-insurance - Job Market Talk
-Money Macro Seminar
Daniel Jaar
University of Pennsylvania
The Global Allocative Efficiency of Deforestation
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Prakash Mishra
University of Pennsylvania - Wharton Job Market Candidate
The Welfare Implications of Climate Change Adaptation
-Macro Lunch
Ji Hwan Kim
University of Pennsylvania
Artificial Intelligence in the Knowledge Economy
-Micro Theory Seminar
Eduard Talamàs
IESE Business School University of Navarra
Auction Design and Competition in the Market for Pension Funds: A Case in Chili
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Keunsang Song
University of Pennsylvania, PhD Candidate
Equity vs. Efficiency: The Effects of Step 1 Score Reporting on Resident Matching
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Olivia Diaz Gilbert
University of Pennsylvania, PhD Candidate
Asymptotic Efficiency Bounds for a Class of Experimental Designs
-Econometrics Seminar
Timothy Armstrong
University of Southern California
Bayesian Causal Synthesis for Meta-Inference on Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
-Econometrics Lunch
Kenichiro Mcalinn
Temple University