Informational Requirements for Cooperation: Theory and Applications
-Micro Theory Seminar
Alexander Wolitzky
Dynamic Political Investigations: Obstruction and the Optimal Timing of Accusations - Job Talk
-Micro Theory Seminar
Alice Gindin
University of Pennsylvania
Social Learning with Heterogeneous Preferences - Job Talk
-Micro Theory Seminar
Pedro Brandão Solti
University of Pennsylvania
Optimal Allocation with Noisy Inspection - Job Talk
-Micro Theory Seminar
Nawaaz Khalfan
University of Pennsylvania
Robust Model Misspecification and Paradigm Shifts - Job Talk
-Micro Theory Seminar
Cuimin Ba
University of Pennsylvania
Costly monitoring in signaling games
-Micro Theory Seminar
Tommaso Denti
Cornell University
Addiction and Bright-line Rules
-Micro Theory Seminar
Miaomiao Dong
Penn State University visiting Wharton
Random vs. Directed Search for Scarce Resources
-Micro Theory Seminar
Teddy Mekonnen
Brown University
Background Risk and Small-Stakes Risk Aversion
-Micro Theory Seminar
Luciano Pomatto
California Institute of Technology
Multi-Dimensional Screening: Buyer-Optimal Learning and Informational Robustness
-Micro Theory Seminar
Anne-Katrin Roesler
University of Toronto