Experimentally Validating Welfare Evaluation of School Vouchers
-Empirical Micro Seminar
John Singleton
University of Rochester
Population and Welfare: The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number
-Money Macro Seminar
Chad Jones
Stanford Graduate School of Business
The Effect of Price Caps on Pharmaceutical Advertising: Evidence from the 340b Drug Pricing Program
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Julie Holland Mortimer
University of Virginia, Department of Economics
Somewhere in Between? Cohabiting Couples and their Role in Tax Policy
-Macro Lunch
Viola Garstenauer
Tu Wien - PhD Candidate
The Value of Privacy in Cartels: An Analysis of the Inner Workings of a Bidding Ring
-Micro Theory Seminar
Juan Ortner
Boston University
Investments and Inequities in Pre-College Human Capital: The Case of the Advanced Placement Program
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Cung Truong Hoang
University of Pennsylvania, Job Market Candidate
Revealed Preference for Green Stocks: An Asset Demand Approach - Job Market Talk
-Econometrics Seminar
Aaron Mora Melendez
University of Pennsylvania, PhD Candidate
The Topography of Nations
-PISM Events
Treb Allen
Dartmouth College
VAR Hyperparameter Determination Under Misspecification
-Econometrics Lunch
Oriol González-Casasús
University of Pennsylvania, PhD Candidate
Dynamic Misspecification Aversion
-Micro Theory Lunch
Alfonso Maselli