Wage dynamics with developing asymmetric information
-Micro Theory Seminar
Joonbae Lee
University of Pennsylvania
Waiting for Good or Bad News
-Micro Theory Seminar
Nishant Ravi
University of Pennsylvania
Selling Data
-Micro Theory Seminar
Carlos Segura-Rodriguez
University of Pennsylvania
Dynamic Belief Elicitation
-Micro Theory Seminar
Nicolas Lambert
Stanford University
Beyond the Vickrey Auction
-Micro Theory Seminar
Paul Milgrom
Stanford University
Reputation Effects under Interdependent Values
-Micro Theory Seminar
Harry Pei
Cheap Talk with Transparent Motives
-Micro Theory Seminar
Doron Ravid
University of Chicago
Information acquisition and strategic investment timing
-Micro Theory Seminar
Erik Madsen
Divisible Updating
-Micro Theory Seminar
Martin Cripps
Raising Capital from Heterogeneous Investors
-Micro Theory Seminar
Marina Halac
Columbia University