Dissertation Defense: Uncertainty and Learning in Dynamic Financial Econometrics
-Dissertation Defense
Paul Sangrey
University of Pennsylvania
Two-Steps Sieve M-Estimation with Group Heterogeneity, with Application to Production Function
-Econometrics Lunch
Peng Shao
University of Pennsylvania
Robot Taxation When Labor Market is Inefficient
-Macro Lunch
Omer Koru
University of Pennsylvania
Mental Health, Human Capital, and the Labor Market
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Christopher Cronin
Notre Dame
Lumpy Investment and Endogenous Business Cycle
-Macro Lunch
Hanbaek Lee
University of Pennsylvania
Borrowing Constraints, Search, and Life-Cycle Inequality
-Money Macro Seminar
Ben Griffy
University at Albany
Randomization and Ambiguity Aversion
-Micro Theory Seminar
Shaowei Ke
University of Michigan
Royalties and Deadlines in Oil and Gas Leasing: Theory and Evidence
-Industrial Organization Seminar, Empirical Micro Seminar
Ryan Kellogg
University of Chicago
Coverage Requirements and the Timing of Adoption of New Mobile Technologies
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Joao Granja
University of Pennsylvania
Consistency without Inference: Instrumental Variables in Practical Application
-Econometrics Seminar
Alwyn Young
London School of Economics