The Aversion to Uncertainty about Multiple Issues
-Micro Theory Lunch
Youngsoo Heo
University of Pennsylvania
Greater New York Area Econometrics Colloquium
-Econometrics Seminar
Skill Formation and the Trouble with Child Non-Cognitive Skill Measures
-Empirical Micro Seminar
Ronni Pavan
University of Rochester
Machine Learning the Labor Market
-Macro Lunch
Jianhong Xin
University of Pennsylvania
Basic Research and the Business Cycle
-Macro Lunch
Assa Cohen
University of Pennsylvania
Markups and Inequality
-Money Macro Seminar
Virgiliu Midrigan
Make It 'Til You Fake It
-Micro Theory Seminar
Raphael Boleslavsky
University of Miami
Centralized assignment mechanisms and their impact on students' welfare
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Tomas Larroucau
University of Pennsylvania
The Impact of Distance Education Schools on Enrollment Choices of Students in Rural Mexico
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Gabrielle Vasey
University of Pennsylvania
Forecast Combination with Time-varying Weights
-Econometrics Seminar
Bin Chen
University of Rochester