Tempered Particle Smoothing and Learning
-Econometrics Lunch
Elias Wolf
University of Bonn, Visiting Penn
Text Meets Theory: Leveraging LLMs for Structural Modeling
-Econometrics Lunch
Zhuoqun (Zoey) Hao
University of Pennsylvania, PhD Candidate
Uncertainty in Empirical Economics
-Econometrics Lunch
Zhiheng You
University of Pennsylvania, PhD Candidate
Misspecification-Robust Shrinkage for VAR Forecasting and IRF Estimation
-Econometrics Lunch
Oriol González-Casasús
University of Pennsylvania, PhD Candidate
How Much Weak Overlap Can Doubly Robust T-Statistics Handle?
-Econometrics Lunch
Jacob Felix Dorn
Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania
Bayesian Causal Synthesis for Meta-Inference on Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
-Econometrics Lunch
Kenichiro Mcalinn
Temple University
Side Effects: Identification, Estimation, and Extensions
-Econometrics Lunch
Young Ahn
University of Pennsylvania, PhD Candidate
Shrinkage Estimation of Grouped Panel Data Models
-Econometrics Lunch
Oriol González-Casasús
University of Pennsylvania, PhD Candidate
Identification of Dynamic Nonlinear Panel Models under Partial Stationarity
-Econometrics Lunch
Wayne Yuan Gao
University of Pennsylvania
Using a Transformer Network to Measure Fragility in the Financial System
-Econometrics Lunch
Oliver Snellman
University of Helsinki, visiting Penn