This page contains some resources to help students navigate through the economics program. We are providing specific advice to freshmen, Wharton students, and students considering to major in economics or mathematical economics. We also provide some answers to frequently asked questions.
If you can not find the advice that you are looking for, you are welcome to contact the Undergraduate Coordinator, the Associate Undergraduate Chair, or the Undergraduate Chair.
The general division of labor is as follows: the Undergraduate Coordinator takes care of administrative issues, enrollment into courses, and general information about the economics courses and program. Substantive questions about our majors and minors, as well as specific economics courses, are typically handled by the Associate Undergraduate Chair (who formally serves as advisor to econ majors) and the Undergraduate Chair.
To petition an exception to one of the rules of our programs and courses, please contact the Undergraduate Chair.
Freshman Advice
Advice for those considering a major or minor in economics and those considering an internal transfer to a Wharton degree program.
Advice for Wharton Students
Advice for Wharton students considering a major or minor in economics.
Advice for Mathematical Economics Majors
Information for those considering a Mathematical Economics major.
Research Jobs Before Grad School
Penn Economics is an active member of, which serves as a clearinghouse for the rapidly-expanding economics predoc labor market.