Graduate Available Honors and Awards

The Robert and Anita Summers Graduate Research Award The priority of the award(s) will be given to PhD students currently in their fourth year, who are judged to be making the most promising progress toward a dissertation or a dissertation proposal, but exceptional third year PhD students are also eligible.

The William Polk Carey Prize in Economics was established to recognize the best doctoral dissertation in a given academic year by the Graduate Group in Economics.

The Maloof Family Dissertation Fellowship in Economics was established to honor an outstanding Economics student at the dissertation level.

The Hiram C. Haney Fellowship Award in Economics was established for the best third-year research paper awarded in the past academic year.

The Beth Hayes/David Cass Prize for Graduate Research Accomplishment in Economics was established and is awarded biennially for the best research contribution (which may be a paper or dissertation) in the preceding two years in the Economics PhD program.

The Edwin Mansfield Graduate Student Teaching Prize in Economics was established for the best performance by a recitation instructor in Introduction to Economics.

The Joel Popkin Graduate Student Teaching Prize in Economics was established for outstanding teaching performance by a Teacher Assistant in Economics.

The Lawrence Robbins Prize in Economics was established to be awarded at the end of each year to the student judged the best in the first year class.

The Paul Taubman Memorial Prize for Empirical Economics Research was established for the best empirical study by a graduate student in the past year.