Advanced Placement Courses and Gaps in Enrollment
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Cung Truong Hoang
University of Pennsylvania
When to Go Negative: Estimating A Dynamic Game of Political Advertising
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Andrew Arnold
University of Pennsylvania
State Dependence in Residential Location Choice
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Jungsoo Yoo
University of Pennsylvania
Adult Harm Reduction vs Youth Initiation: Evaluating Ecigarette Policy
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Kathleen Hui
University of Pennsylvania
Newspaper Consolidation and the Decline of Local News
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Lucie L’Heudé
University of Pennsylvania
Interventions and the Black Market: The Case of Illegal Drugs
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Priyanka Goonetilleke
University of Pennsylvania
Growing a Mega City
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Xuequan Elsie Peng
University of Pennsylvania
Who Completes College? The Effect of Eliminating the SAT on College Enrollment and Educational Attainment
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Emilio Borghesan
University of Pennsylvania
Spatial Consumption Complementarities
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Felipe Kup Barbieri de Matos
University of Pennsylvania
Customer Search and Asymmetric Rate Adjustment in the Deposit Market
-Empirical Micro Lunch
Sajad Ghorbani
University of Pennsylvania