Dissemination Noise and p-Hacking
-Micro Theory Lunch
Kevin He
University of Pennsylvania
Competitive Screening under Heterogenous Expertise
-Micro Theory Lunch
Juan Sagredo
University of Pennsylvania
An Evolutionary Approach to Misspecification
-Micro Theory Lunch
Pedro Brandão Solti
University of Pennsylvania
A Unified Model of Network Bargaining and Network Formation
-Micro Theory Lunch
Wayne Gao
University of Pennsylvania
Micro Theory Lunch
-Micro Theory Lunch
Changhwa Lee
University of Pennsylvania
Innovation and Strategic Network Formation
-Micro Theory Lunch
Krishna Dasaratha
Harvard University
Evolutionarily Stable (Mis)specifications: Theory and Application
-Micro Theory Lunch
Kevin He
University of Pennsylvania
The Aversion to Uncertainty about Multiple Issues
-Micro Theory Lunch
Youngsoo Heo
University of Pennsylvania
Robust Performance Evaluation
-Micro Theory Lunch
Ashwin Kambhampati
University of Pennsylvania
Online: Micro Theory Lunch
-Micro Theory Lunch
Ashwin Kambhampati
University of Pennsylvania