Efficient and Convergent Sequential Pseudo-Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Adam Dearing
Ohio State University
TV Advertising Effectiveness and Profitability: Generalizable Results from 288 Brands
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Brad Shapiro
Chicago Booth
Should There Be Vertical Choice in Health Insurance Markets?
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Victoria Marone
University of Texas
Interdependent Values in Matching Markets: Evidence from Danish Medical School Programs
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Martin Hackmann
Monetary Policy and Mortgage Pricing
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Alessandro Gavazza
London School of Economics
Competition and Incentives in Mortgage Markets: The Role of Brokers
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Claudia Robles Garcia
Stanford University
From Mad Men to Maths Men: Concentration and Buyer Power in Online Advertising
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Francesco Decarolis
Bocconi University
Estimating Production Functions with Partially Latent Inputs
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Wayne Gao
University of Pennsylvania
Employer Choice and Insurer Competition in the Market for Large Group Health Insurance
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Stuart Craig
University of Pennsylvania
Search Frictions and Efficiency in Decentralized Transport Markets
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Myrto Kalouptsidi
Harvard University