Macro Lunch
-Macro Lunch
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High-cost Credit and Household Financial Distress
-Macro Lunch
Jincheng (Eric) Huang
University of Pennsylvania
Dynamics of High-Growth Young Firms and the Role of Venture Capitalists
-Macro Lunch
Yoshiki Ando
University of Pennsylvania
Endogenous Uncertainty, Financial Frictions, and Incomplete Information
-Macro Lunch
Collum Freedman
University of Pennsylvania
Mortgage Choice
-Macro Lunch
German Sanchez Sanchez
University of Pennsylvania
The U.S. Educational Divorce Gap: The Role of Adverse Labor Market Conditions
-Macro Lunch
Jordan Peeples
University of Pennsylvania
Informality and Life Cycle Wage Growth
-Macro Lunch
César Urquizo
University of Pennsylvania
Structural Change or Declining Competition?
-Macro Lunch
Ricardo Vieira Marto
University of Pennsylvania
The Bank Distress Amplifier of Recessions
-Macro Lunch
Dohan Kim
University of Pennsylvania
Constrained Efficient Allocation of Household Financial Sophistication and Wealth
-Macro Lunch
Min Kim
University of Pennsylvania