Bargaining, On-the-Job Search and Labor Market Equilibrium
-Applied Micro Theory Workshop (2006-2010)
Kenneth Burdett
University of Pennsylvania
Parental Choice and Gender Balance
-Applied Micro Theory Workshop (2006-2010)
Venkataraman Bhaskar
University College London
Learning-by-Doing, Organizational Forgetting, and Industry Dynamics
-Applied Micro Theory Workshop (2006-2010)
Mark A. Satterthwaite
Northwestern University
Bank Moral Hazard in the Diamond-Dybig Model of Banking
-Applied Micro Theory Workshop (2006-2010)
Ed Nosal
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Money, Intermediaries, and Cash-in Advance Constraints
-Applied Micro Theory Workshop (2006-2010)
Christian Hellwig
Efficiency with Endogenous Population Growth
-Applied Micro Theory Workshop (2006-2010)
Michele Tertilt
Stanford University (visiting University of Pennsylvania )