Equilibrium Effects of Household Financial Literacy and Portfolio Choice
-Macro Lunch
Min Kim
University of Pennsylvania
What is Stopping You? The Falling Employment-Employment Transitions the UK
-Macro Lunch
See-Yu Chan
University of Warwick - Visiting for the Semester
Money Macro Lunch
-Macro Lunch
Joseph Huang
University of Pennsylvania
Education, Cognitive Ability and Fertility Risk - Job Talk
-Macro Lunch
Agustin Diaz
University of Pennsylvania
A Job Ladder Model of Firm, Worker, and Earnings Dynamics
-Macro Lunch
Sean McCrary
University of Pennsylvania
The U.S. Education Divorce Gap and Changing Education Composition
-Macro Lunch
Jordan Peeples
University of Pennsylvania
Doing Without Price Rigidities: Steering Employment and Inflation in a Monetary World
-Macro Lunch
Joao Ritto
University of Pennsylvania
Technological Change and Labor Market Institutions: Who Incurs the Costs?
-Macro Lunch
Leon Huetsch
University of Pennsylvania
The grand gender convergence and the aggregate labor supply
-Macro Lunch
Sara Casella
University of Pennsylvania
Population Aging, Fiscal Space and the Interest-Growth Differential
-Macro Lunch
Felipe Ruiz Mazin
University of Pennsylvania