The Impact of Vape Regulation on Public Health - Practice Job Talk
-Industrial Organization Seminar, Empirical Micro Seminar
Kathleen Hui
University of Pennsylvania, Job Market Candidate
Competition under Incomplete Contracts and the Design of Procurement Policies
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Andrés González Lira
Pontificia Universidad Catolica De Chile
Safety Reviews on Airbnb: An Information Tale
-Empirical Micro Seminar, Industrial Organization Seminar
Ginger Zhe Jin
University of Maryland, College Park
Private Monopoly and Restricted Entry: Evidence from the Notary Profession
-Industrial Organization Seminar, Empirical Micro Seminar
Frank Verboven
University of Leuven
Nonparametric Identification Using Timing and Information Set Assumptions with an Application to Non-Hicks Neutral Productivity Shocks
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Daniel A. Ackerberg
University of Texas at Austin
Organizational Structure and Pricing: Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Kevin R. Williams
Yale School of Management
Elasticity and Curvature of Discrete Choice Demand Models
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Katja Seim
Professor of Economics, Yale School of Management
Strong Instruments for Testing Conduct: Taxes and Passthrough
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Christopher Sullivan
University of Wisconsin
Market Design in Single-Payer Healthcare: Evidence from Norway's GP Allocation System
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Daniel Waldinger
New York University
Profit Sharing & Patient Steering: Joint Ventures in Dialysis
-Industrial Organization Seminar
Ryan McDevitt
Professor of Economics, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University