What Falls During a Recession - The Three Margins of Employment Insurance
-Macro Lunch
Andrei Zaloilo
Toulouse School of Economics - Visiting UPenn
Mortgage Choice
-Macro Lunch
German Sanchez Sanchez
University of Pennsylvania
Dynamics of High-Growth Young Firms and the Role of Venture Capitalists
-Macro Lunch
Yoshiki Ando
University of Pennsylvania
Frictions and the Age of Self-Employment Across Countries
-Macro Lunch
Daniel Jaar
University of Pennsylvania
Spatial Job Ladder
-Macro Lunch
Justin Franco Lam
University of Pennsylvania
Macroeconomic Implications of Green Investing
-Macro Lunch
Joseph Huang
University of Pennsylvania
Defaultable Debt and Firm Dynamics Over the Lifecycle
-Macro Lunch
Alex Sawyer
University of Pennsylvania
Technological Transitions and Labor Market Institutions: Who Makes the Transition? - JOB TALK
-Macro Lunch
Leon Huetsch
University of Pennsylvania
Idiosyncratic Consumption Risk and Wealth Dynamics
-Macro Lunch
Luigi Maria Briglia
Fertility in Places with Location-Specific Housing Prices and Educational Resources - Job Talk
-Macro Lunch
David Mao
University of Pennsylvania