Born Under a Bad Sign: The Cost of Entering the Job Market During a Recession
-Money Macro Seminar, Junior Recruiting Seminar
Shu Lin Wee
University of Maryland
Foreign Debt and Ricardian Equivalence
-Money Macro Seminar, Junior Recruiting Seminar
Eric Mengus
Toulouse School of Economics
Optimal Taxation and Human Capital Policies over the Life Cycle
-Money Macro Seminar, Junior Recruiting Seminar
Stefanie Stantcheva
Old, Sick, Alone and Poor: A Welfare Analysis of Old-Age Social Insurance Programs
-Money Macro Seminar
Karen Kopecky
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Price Setting with Customer Retention
-Money Macro Seminar
Nicholas Trachter
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Are Sticky Prices Costly? Evidence From The Stock Market
-Money Macro Seminar
Yuriy Gorodnichenko
University of California, Berkeley
Monetary Policy Surprises, Credit Costs and Economic Activity
-Money Macro Seminar
Mark Gertler
Firm Size, Innovation Activity and Equity Financing
-Money Macro Seminar
Olga Itenberg
Penn Graduate Student
Efficient Firm Dynamics in a Frictional Labor Market
-Money Macro Seminar
Philipp Kircher
University of Edinburgh
Forecast Shocks in Production Networks
-Money Macro Seminar
Can Tian
Penn Graduate Student