Mechanisms for Repeated Bargaining
-Micro Theory Seminar
Juuso Toikka
Random Choice and Private Information
-Micro Theory Seminar
Jay Lu
Princeton University Graduate Student
No Two Experiments are Identical
-Micro Theory Seminar
Larry Epstein
Boston University
Social Learning with Costly Search
-Micro Theory Seminar
Mallesh Pai
University of Pennsylvania
Axiomatic Behavior in Repeated Games
-Micro Theory Seminar
Laurent Mathevet
The Demise of Walk Zones in Boston: Priorities vs. Precedence in School Choice
-Micro Theory Seminar
Tayfun Sönmez
Boston College
Simultaneous Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard
-Micro Theory Seminar
Daniel Gottlieb
A Common Value Auction with Bidder Solicitation
-Micro Theory Seminar
Asher Wolinsky
Northwestern University
A Theory of Income Taxation under Multidimensional Skill Heterogeneity
-Micro Theory Seminar
Florian Scheuer
Stanford University
On the Asymptotic Efficiency of Stable Matchings
-Micro Theory Seminar
SangMok Lee
University of Pennsylvania