Paper Number Author Title
03-015 Uri Benzion, Yochanan Shachmurove , Joseph Yagil How good is the Exponential Function Discounting Formula? An Experimental Study
03-014 George J. Mailath, Andrew Postlewaite, Larry Samuelson Sunk Investments Lead to Unpredictable Prices
03-013 Michael Brandt, Francis X. Diebold A No-Arbitrage Approach to Range-Based Estimation of Return Covariances and Correlations, Second Version
03-012 Steven Craig, Andrew Haughwout, Thomas Luce Local Revenue Hills: Evidence from Four U. S. Cities, Second Version
03-011 Richard McLean, Andrew Postlewaite Informational Size and Efficient Auctions, Second Version
03-010 Marcus Asplund, Volker Nocke Firm Turnover in Imperfectly Competitive Markets
03-009 Olivier Compte, Andrew Postlewaite Confidence-Enhanced Performance, Second Version
03-008 Celso Brunetti, Roberto Mariano, Chiara Scotti, Augustine Tan Markov Switching Garch Models of Currency Crises in Southeast Asia
03-007 Jere R. Behrman, Hans-Peter Kohler, Susan Watkins Social Networks, HIV/AIDS and Risk Perceptions, Second Version
03-006 Mathias Dewatripont, Patrick Legros, Steven Matthews Moral Hazard and Capital Structure Dynamics, Second Version
03-005 Jess Benhabib, Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, Martín Uribe Backward-Looking Interest-Rate Rules, Interest-Rate Smoothing, and Macroeconomic Instability
03-004 Yongsung Chang, Jay Hong On the Employment Effect of Technology: Evidence from US Manufacturing for 1958-1996
03-003 Richard McLean, Andrew Postlewaite Informational Size and Incentive Compatibility with Aggregate Uncertainty, Second Version
03-002 Volker Nocke, Martin Peitz Monopoly Pricing under Demand Uncertainty: Final Sales versus Introductory Offers
03-001 Rafael Rob, Nikolaos Vettas Foreign Direct Investment and Exports with Growing Demand
02-10 Julio Davila, Jan Eeckhout Is Bargaining over Prices Efficient?
02-09 Alessandro Lizzeri, Margaret Meyer, Nicola Persico The Incentive Effects of Interim Performance Evaluations
02-08 Yochanan Shachmurove Applying Artificial Neural Networks to Business, Economics and Finance
02-07 Mathias Dewatripont, Patrick Legros, Steven Matthews Moral Hazard and Capital Structure Dynamics
02-06 Barelli Paulo, Samuel Passôa A Model of Capital Accumulation and Rent-Seeking
02-05 Samuel Passôa, Rafael Rob Vintage Capital, Distortions and Development
02-046 Sean Campbell, Francis X. Diebold Weather Forecasting for Weather Derivatives, Second Version
02-045 Julio Davila, Jan Eeckhout Is Bargaining over Prices Efficient?
02-044 Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde , Dirk Krueger Consumption over the Life Cycle: Some Facts from Consumer Expenditure Survey Data
02-043 Andrei Shevchenko, Randall Wright A Simple Search Model of Money with Heterogeneous Agents and Partial Acceptability
02-042 Ricardo Lagos, Randall Wright Dynamics, Cycles and Sunspot Equilibria in 'Genuinely Dynamic, Fundamentally Disaggregative' Models of Money
02-041 Richard Rogerson, Randall Wright Search-Theoretic Models of the Labor Market: A Survey
02-040 Ricardo Lagos, Randall Wright A Unified Framework for Monetary Theory and Policy Analysis
02-04 Pedro Ferreira, Samuel Passôa Can the Cost of Education Explain the Poverty of Nations? Measuring the Impact of Factors Taxation and Life Expectancy on Income Differences
02-039 Elisabeth Curtis, Randall Wright Price Setting, Price Dispersion, and the Value of Money or, The Law of Two Prices
02-038 Ricardo Lagos, Randall Wright Crime, Inequality, and Unemployment
02-037 Ryoichi Imai, Randall Wright Unstable Relationships
02-036 S. Boragan Aruoba, Randall Wright Search, Money and Capital: A Neoclassical Dichotomy
02-035 George J. Mailath, Andrew Postlewaite The Social Context of Economic Decisions
02-034 Arthur Fishman, Rafael Rob Consumer Inertia, Firm Growth and Industry Dynamics
02-033 Giacomo Corneo, Rafael Rob Working in Public and Private Firms
02-032 Arthur Fishman, Rafael Rob Product Innovations and Quality-Adjusted Prices
02-031 Wilfred J. Ethier Globalization, Globalisation: Trade, Technology, and Wages" Second Version
02-030 Wilfred J. Ethier Political Externalities, Nondiscrimination, and a Multilateral World, Second Version
02-03 Arthur Fishman, Rafael Rob Is Bigger Better? Investing in Reputation
02-029 Daniel Diermeier, Michael Keane, Antonio Merlo A Political Economy Model of Congressional Careers
02-028 Andrew Foster, Mark Rosenzweig Economic Growth and The Rise of Forests
02-027 Enriqueta Aragones, Itzhak Gilboa, Andrew Postlewaite, David Schmeidler Accuracy vs. Simplicity: A Complex Trade-Off
02-026 Francis X. Diebold, Canlin Li Forecasting the Term Structure of Government Bond Yields
02-025 Thomas Lubik, Frank Schorfheide Testing for Indeterminacy: An Application to U. S. Monetary Policy
02-024 Marco Negro, Frank Schorfheide Priors from General Equilibrium Models for VARs
02-023 Antonio Merlo, Francois Ortalo-Magne Bargaining over Residential Real Estate: Evidence from England, Second Version
02-022 Jere R. Behrman, David Ross, Richard Sabot Improving the Quality Versus Increasing the Quantity of Schooling: Evidence for Rural Pakistan
02-021 Martin Cripps, George J. Mailath, Larry Samuelson Imperfect Monitoring and Impermanent Reputations
02-020 Richard McLean, Andrew Postlewaite Informational Size and Efficient Auctions