Reimbursement Forms
- Guide to New Reimbursement Form Usage (.xlsx) and Non-Affiliate Reimbursements (.pptx)
- Guest Travel Reimbursement (GTR) Worksheet
- PDA-W Form - Procurement Disbursement Authorization Wire
- W8 Form
- W-9 Form
- Reimbursement Justification (C-5) form
- Procedural Guide for Independent Contractors and Limited Engagements
- Penn Purchasing Services – Penn Market place
See also: Office of Comptroller Forms page
- Introducing the Penn Bank of America Travel Card memo
- Helpful hints and guidelines about the Penn Bank of America Travel Card
- Features of the Penn Travel & Expense Management system
- The Penn Travel & Expense Management website
- Instructions on how to access the Concur mobile app on your smartphone or tablet
- Up-to-date travel guidelines, policies, forms, and best practices, as well as additional helpful information appears on the SAS Finance & Administration website at Travel & Entertainment
NOTE: If you are traveling Business Class make sure you note that in the comment field, i.e. enter "this is business class, not first class." First class travel is not permitted without prior approval from Bob Allison.
AirPennNet Guest Wi-Fi Access
The process of connecting to AirPennNet-Guest is easy, but it will need to be repeated each day that you want access to the Internet. Here are the instructions to use.
- Select the AirPennNet-Guest network (if it is not already chosen) from the wireless networks available on your device.
- Open a web browser on your device. A form will appear.
- Review and accept the Acceptable Use Policy terms and conditions.
- Enter a valid email address.
- Click Submit.
Users who are experiencing issues after registration should wait 5 minutes and then try to register again.
- Canvas is a courseware system that has taken the place of Blackboard. Resources about the new system, such as learning how to use the system, requesting a course site, and how to get support are available at Penn Libraries Canvas page.
Scheduling Classrooms
- ISC's Scheduling Central Pool Classrooms page provides directions on scheduling Central Pool classrooms depending upon the purpose, timing, frequency, and need for special services for your event.
PennCard Center and Computer Connection
- The PennCard Center is located on the 2nd floor of the Penn Bookstore (at the corner of 36th and Walnut Streets).
University Policies on Data and Privacy

Computing Help and Resources
- If you need computing help, send email to PCPSE Help Our local support provider (LSP) from SAS Computing is Sam Rossi.
- To check the system status of mail, SAS servers or web sites, see the Internal SAS Computing Site. The status of current known problems is often described here.
- If you have updates, questions, or concerns about the department website, contact Kelly Quinn at
- Penn+Box is the University of Pennsylvania's resource for faculty, students, and staff to store up to 50GB of files online. Use your PennKey to login.
- Secure Share is a web-based application for secure file exchange available to faculty and staff. Logon.

Additional External Resources
- Doodle - a free online tool for getting RSVPs or meeting availability from faculty
- FreeConferenceCall - register for a free account to set up conference calls for 2 or more parties
- SignupGenius - to build and coordinate signup sheets