Working Papers by Wilfred J. Ethier

Paper Number Author Title
13-049 Wilfred J. Ethier The Trade Agreement Embarrassment, Second Version
13-052 Wilfred J. Ethier The Floating World: Issues in International Trade Theory
11-026 Wilfred J. Ethier The Political-Support View of Protection
11-027 Roy Ruffin, Wilfred J. Ethier Protectionism and Increasing Returns with Comparative-Cost Disadvantage
10-022 Wilfred J. Ethier The Political Economy of Protection
08-009 Wilfred J. Ethier The Greater the Differences, the Greater the Gains?, Second Version
08-008 Wilfred J. Ethier, Roy Ruffin External Economies of Scale and Comparative Advantage
06-013 Wilfred J. Ethier The Theory of Trade Policy and Trade Agreements: A Critique
06-014 Wilfred J. Ethier Selling 'Protection' for Sale
04-006 Wilfred J. Ethier Trade Policies Based on Political Externalities: An Exploration, Third Version
03-035 Wilfred J. Ethier Trade Agreements Based on Political Externalities, Second Version: November 30, 2003
03-034 Wilfred J. Ethier Intellectual Property Rights and Dispute Settlement In the World Trade Organization
02-031 Wilfred J. Ethier Globalization, Globalisation: Trade, Technology, and Wages" Second Version
02-030 Wilfred J. Ethier Political Externalities, Nondiscrimination, and a Multilateral World, Second Version
02-009 Wilfred J. Ethier Escape And Entry Mechanisms In The Multilateral Trade System
01-021 Wilfred J. Ethier Punishments and Dispute Settlement in Trade Agreement
99-001 Wilfred J. Ethier Reciprocity, Nondiscrimination, and a Multilateral World
98-011 Wilfred J. Ethier Unilateralism in a Multilateral World
98-010 Wilfred J. Ethier Regionalism in a Multilateral World