Bounds on the Counterfactual Distribution of Revenues in Auctions with Reserve Prices


Econometrics Seminar
University of Pennsylvania

3718 Locust Walk
410 McNeil

Philadelphia, PA

United States

In first-price auctions with interdependent bidder values, the distributions of private signals and values cannot be uniquely recovered from bids in Perfect Bayesian Nash equilibria. Non-identification invalidates structural

analyses that rely on exact identification of the model primitives. In this paper I introduce tight, informative bounds on the distribution of revenues in counterfactual first- and second-price auctions with binding reserve prices. These robust bounds are identified from distributions of equilibrium bids under minimal restrictions on first-price auctions with interdependent values and affiliated signals. The bounds can be used to compare auction formats and to select optimal reserve prices. I propose consistent nonparametric estimators of the bounds. I extend the approach to account for observed heterogeneity across auctions, as well as endogenous participation due to reserve prices. I analyze a recent dataset of 6,721 first-price auctions of U.S. municipal bonds. I estimate bounds on counterfactual revenue distributions, and use the estimates to bound optimal reserve prices for sellers with various risk attitudes.

For more information, contact Frank Schorfheide.

Xun Tang

Northwestern University