96-04 |
Harold L. Cole, George J. Mailath, Andrew Postlewaite |
Class Systems and the Enforcement of Social Norms |
96-03 |
Yochanan Shachmurove |
Dynamic Daily Returns Among Latin American and Other Major World Stock Markets |
96-02 |
Illtae Ahn, Matti Suominen |
Word-of-Mouth Communication and Community Enforcement |
96-01 |
Christian Ghiglino, Mich Tvede |
Multiplicity of Equilibria |
95-20 |
Alessandro Citanna, Herve Cres, Antonio Villancci |
Underemployment of Resources and Self-confirming Beliefs |
95-19 |
Stephen Coate, Stephen Morris |
Policy Persistence |
95-18 |
Atsushi Kajii, Stephen Morris |
The Robustness of Equilibria to Incomplete Information |
95-17 |
Edward Green, Ruilin Zhou |
A Rudimentary Model of Search with Divisible Money and Prices |
95-16 |
George J. Mailath, Larry Samuelson, Avner Shaked |
Correlated Equilibria and Local Interactions |
95-15 |
Roger Lagunoff, Akihiko Matsui |
An "Anti-Folk Theorem" for a Class of Asynchronously Repeated Games |
95-14 |
Harold L. Cole, George J. Mailath, Andrew Postlewaite |
Incorporating Concern for Relative Wealth into Economic Models |
95-13 |
Stephen Morris |
Speculative Investor Behavior and Learning |
95-12 |
Piero Gottardi, Atsushi Kajii |
Generic Existence of Sunspot Equilibria: The Real Asset Case |
95-11 |
Atsushi Kajii |
The Sequential Regularity of Competitive Equilibria and Sunspots |
95-10 |
Timothy Besley, Stephen Coate |
Efficient Policy choice in a Representative Democracy: A Dynamic Analysis |
95-09 |
Richard Manning, Julian Manning |
Budget-Constrained Search |
95-08 |
Alvaro Sandroni |
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Convergence to Nash Equilibrium: The Almost Absolute Continuity Hypothesis |
95-07 |
Roger Lagunoff |
Sufficiently Specialized Economies have Nonempty Cores |
95-06 |
Jaewoo Ryoo |
Statistical Discrimination, Affirmative Action, and Mismatch |
95-05 |
Stephen Morris |
Co-operation and Timing |
95-04 |
Stephen Morris |
Justifying Rational Expectations |
95-03 |
Jayasri Dutta, Stephen Morris |
The Revelation of Information and Self-Fulfilling Beliefs |
95-02 |
Timothy Besley, Stephen Coate |
An Economic Model of Representative Democracy |
95-01 |
Alessandro Citanna, Antonio Villancci |
Financial Innovation and Expectations: Endogenous Incompleteness and Real Indeterminacy |
02-10 |
Julio Davila, Jan Eeckhout |
Is Bargaining over Prices Efficient? |
02-09 |
Alessandro Lizzeri, Margaret Meyer, Nicola Persico |
The Incentive Effects of Interim Performance Evaluations |
02-08 |
Yochanan Shachmurove |
Applying Artificial Neural Networks to Business, Economics and Finance |
02-07 |
Mathias Dewatripont, Patrick Legros, Steven Matthews |
Moral Hazard and Capital Structure Dynamics |
02-06 |
Barelli Paulo, Samuel Passôa |
A Model of Capital Accumulation and Rent-Seeking |
02-05 |
Samuel Passôa, Rafael Rob |
Vintage Capital, Distortions and Development |
02-04 |
Pedro Ferreira, Samuel Passôa |
Can the Cost of Education Explain the Poverty of Nations? Measuring the Impact of Factors Taxation and Life Expectancy on Income Differences |
02-03 |
Arthur Fishman, Rafael Rob |
Is Bigger Better? Investing in Reputation |
02-02 |
Haim Bau, Yochanan Shachmurove |
Chaos Theory and Its Application |
02-01 |
Arthur Fishman, Rafael Rob |
Product Innovations and Quality-Adjusted Prices |
01-24 |
Julio Davila, Piero Gottardi, Atsushi Kajii |
Local Sunspot Equilibria Reconsidered |
01-23 |
Elizabeth Caucutt, Nezih Guner, John Knowles |
The Timing of Births: A Marriage Market Analysis |
01-22 |
Raquel Fernandez, Nezih Guner, John Knowles |
Love and Money: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Household Sorting and Inequality |
01-21 |
Nezih Guner, John Knowles |
Marriage, Fertility and Divorce: A Dynamic Equilibrium Analysis of Social Policy in Canada (Preliminary Version) |
01-20 |
Yochanan Shachmurove |
Tests of Financial Markets Efficiency for Thirteen Small European Countries |
01-19 |
Armando Gomes, Philippe Jehiel |
Dynamic Processes of Social and Economic Interactions: On the Persistence of Inefficiencies |
01-18 |
Yochanan Shachmurove |
Dynamic Co-movements of Stock Indices: The Emerging Middle Eastern and the United States Markets |
01-17 |
Uri Benzion, Paul Klein, Yochanan Shachmurove , Joseph Yagil |
A Moving Average Comparison of the Tel-Aviv 25 and S & P 500 Stock Indices |
01-16 |
Julio Davila |
Multiplicity, Instability and Sunspots in Games |
01-15 |
Arthur Fishman, Rafael Rob |
Product Durability and Innovations: The Duopoly Case |
01-14 |
Samuel Passôa |
Welfare Characterization of Monetary-Applied Models and Three Implications |
01-13 |
Armando Gomes |
Multilateral Negotiations and Formation of Coalitions |
01-12 |
Armando Gomes |
Takeovers, Freezeouts, and Risk Arbitrage |
01-11 |
Rafael Rob, Tadashi Sekiguchi |
Product Quality, Reputation and Turnover |
01-10 |
George J. Mailath, Steven Matthews, Tadashi Sekiguchi |
Private Strategies in Finitely Repeated Games with Imperfect Public Monitoring |
01-09 |
Nicola Persico |
Racial Fairness and Effectiveness of Policing |