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The particular strength of our Department in Health Economics and its connection to macroeconomics and empirical microeconomics pays off. Our faculty look at all aspects of the pandemic from measurement to policy, to long run effects and to many other related issues.



What to Do

  • Krueger and Rios-Rull with Fed Researchers Glover and Heathcote look at the differential impact of the pandemic on young versus old, on first line workers, hedged from unemployment but in more danger from the pandemic, and second line workers, in trouble from the economic slowdown, and assess how they favor different policies in Health versus Wealth: On the Distributional Effects of Controlling a Pandemic Abstract :[...]

Measurement of the Spread of COVID-19

Long Term Effects

Other Ongoing Econ at Penn/PIER Research

  • Atal is using the variation in location that data from Google displays over time to assess how much of the reduction in non-respiratory related trips to Emergency Rooms is related to changes in every day activities.

  • Behrman has added COVID-19 telephone surveys to a variety of projects:

      • Impact of ante-natal pollution on birth and early-life outcomes in Guandong, China (with Xiaoying Liu and Emily Hannum).
      • Longitudinal survey (since 1998) in Malawi (with HP Kohler and Iliana Kohler).
      • Longitudinal survey in Chile (with Irma Elo and David Bravo).
      • Longitudinal survey for parents of young school age children in Ghana (with Sharon Wolfe, Betta Aurino, Larry Aber).
  • Schorfheide is developing a panel model that produces density forecasts of Covid-19 infections for a panel of more than one-hundred countries.

  • Fang is studying optimal lockdown and reopening policies in SIR models. He is also looking at how politics affects the mitigation policies chosen across counties. Another of his projects involves the evolution of labor markets in China both during and after the outbreak.

Faculty Researchers