Alvaro Sandroni
Adjunct Professor
Alvaro Sandroni comes to Penn from Northwestern University where he has been the E.D. Howard Professor in Political Economy, at the Kellogg School of Management, since 1996. He received his PhD in economics in 1996 from the University of Pennsylvania, his PhD in mathematics in 1994 from the Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada (Brazil) and his B.Sc. in mathematics in 1986 from the Pontifica Universidade Catolica economics (Brazil).
Sandroni is on the editorial boards of Economic Theory and the International Journal of Game Theory.
Sandroni’s research is in the areas of behavioral sciences, strategic forecasting, economic theory, game theory, political science, and general equilibrium theory. He has published numerous journal articles in economics, political science, and game theory journals; including the American Political Science Review, American Economic Review, Econometrica, Annals of Statistics, Review of Economic Studies, Mathematics of Operations Research, Theoretical Economics, International Journal of Game Theory, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, and Journal of Economic Theory.
Sandroni is the author (along with Peter Klibanoff, Boaz Moselle and Brett Saraniti) of Managerial Statistics: A Case-Based Approach (2005, Cengage Learning). He has also published his work in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Economics
The Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics
133 South 36th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104