Professors Diebold and Behrman in top 70 among global Economics and Finance Scientists: Based on H citation indices within economics, Professors Frank X Diebold and Jere R Behrman ranked high among the best Economics and Finance Scientists in the 2023 Edition of Ranking of Best Scientists in the field of Economics and Finance here. Diebold is 51st globally (and 43rd in the US) and Behrman is 70th globally (57th in US). On the current Penn faculty also included in this ranking are Professors Enrique G. Mendoza, Frank Schorfheide, Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Andrew Postlewaite, Jeremy Greenwood, José-Víctor Ríos-Rull, Petra E. Todd, Dirk Krueger, Harold L. Cole and George J. Mailath.