Penn Economics Students won 2nd Place in College Fed Challenge

Marriner S. Eccles Building, home of the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, DC.

A team of Penn Econ students organized by the Undergraduate Economics Society won 2nd place in the national College Fed Challenge. The Penn team included Hosun Chung, W'16, Charles Rubenfeld, C'14, Ian Masters, C'17, and Ashok Rao, BSE'17. While undergraduate chair Frank Schorfheide served officially as faculty advisor for the team, all the credit for the excellent performance goes to the students, who worked independently to develop and promote their monetary policy proposal. After winning the regional competition, which took place at Lehigh University in November, the team moved on to the national competition in Washington, DC, where it competed against four other teams from Harvard, James Madison, Northwestern, and Pace. Congratulations on the excellent performance!

More details from The Daily Pennsylvanian.